Kleingartenverein Gildenpark
Lindemannstraße 76a, 44137 Dortmund

A few numbers about the Gildenpark in Dortmund: 100+ active members, 69 garden plots and 24.000 square meters acreage. It is summer as we enter the allotment garden and plants are sprouting everywhere.
It was the heyday of allotment gardens when the Gildenpark was founded on August 22nd, 1923, under the name “Schrebergartenverein Krückenweg”. The site on the outskirts of the Kreuzviertel was the seventh of its kind in Dortmund. The founding year was characterised by the French-Belgian occupation of the Ruhr area. The supply situation was disastrous. To fill one’s belly and also save on money were top priorities during that time.
Today, self-sufficiency also plays a role, at least in regards to raised-bed gardens, but becomes sidelined more and more. Recreation close to the place of residence and amidst the nature of the garden plot is paramount today.
The clubhouse of the Gildenpark is run by alternating members of the allotment garden club. They are also responsible for the gastronomic range. Thus, the location is ever-changing and its product range varies. It is especially worth it to saunter between the plots during spring- and summertime and have a stop at the clubhouse for a cold beverage or an excellent meal. On the photo you can see Tina, who you may very probably run into when you visit the Gildenpark.
Here you will find the artistic work of Jens Sundheim.
Opening hours:
Mon + Wed + Thu 15h - 20:30h
Fri - Sun 15h - 22h
Text: Lex Rütten
Translation: Matthias Fabry
Photo: Roland Baege